Blending Of The Blues / Boro Lampwork Glass Cabochon / 23mm
Happy medium blue flower petal shapes imploded into the center of a boro glass cabochon. The background color is a cheery aqua. It's so pretty you'll want to sink into its depths.
**If you're buying multiples I will refund any shipping overages charged.
Round, flat back, boro frit implosion cabochon ready for your jewelry design.
You can use them for wire wrapping, bezelsetting & glue pads to name a few
Let the color, reflection and light inspire you
Walk them into the sunlight, thats where they show their best colors!
The glass used is Boro. Heated with a very Hot torch until the medium becomes fluid. At that point the frit ( crushed glass bits) are introduced and embedded into the molten glass. I kiln anneal every piece for its longevity and strength.
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